
Say goodbye to "The Say Hey Kid"

Say goodbye to "The Say Hey Kid". Number 24. Inarguably the greatest center field ever: Willie Mays. Mr. Mays died this week at the age of 93. If there were ever a Mount Rushmore of the most revered American athletes of all time, ...


Our Community is Sharing The Best and Worst Purchases For Their Homes

Owning a home brings with it many responsibilities and choices, especially when it comes to significant investments, which can either greatly enhance or disappoint. Recently, individuals from our Community ...


Squatters Rights – New York Couple Facing a Nightmare

In a heart-wrenching turn of events, a New York City couple's long-awaited retirement plans have been sidelined by a stressful ordeal as they battle with a squatter who has taken over their dream home. As origina...


The Apartment Needed to Be Fumigated

For a year, we had heard rumors about the apartment on the 3rd floor. The downstairs tenant whispered about the reclusive tenant.  He paid his rent on time and seemingly left anyone else alone.  I had always dismissed the gossip ...


Jerry West aka "The Logo" died this week. He was 86.

Jerry West aka "The Logo" died this week, according to reports. He was 86. Yes; in fact, it was Mr. West who became the embodiment of the National Basketball Association on all its licensing and imaging deals f...


My Tenant Jumped Off The Balcony

I was able to buy a house because one of the tenants jumped off the balcony from the 2nd floor (probably about 25 ft). He was lucky to be alive. I have it on video if I can post it here. He was on drugs, he wasn’t contemplating jumping&h...

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