Man Gives Commencement Speech...Gets Booed Off Stage

Man gives commencement speech. Tells graduates to buy bitcoin. Gets booed off the stage. Discuss.

First of all, who is this guy. The President of THE OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY tells us "His Linksdin profile says he worked at McKinsey.". Like, literally, who cares. McKinsey has about 90,000 employees. Should they all be giving addresses to students as they embark on life, child rearing, paying for their own phone bills - stuff.

It gets worse. After bombing on stage, this person (I'm quietly fuming they didn't ask me) admits to taking hallucinogenics as he wrote his speech. You know; the one where he told like 36,999 students mired in school debt to saddle up and buy BTC.

But don't you see? Bitcoin has flipped from rebel cause to biggest regret of your life in what seems like a nanosecond; even though we've been discussing it daily - right here - for six-plus years.

Telling a 21-year old now to buy BTC is really codeword for: "Why are your parents such morons? Had they spent your four-year college drinking boondoggle on buying digital assets when you were just out of diapers, you'd never work a day in your life. Instead....get ready for a lifetime of middle management and having your dreams crushed."

I kid, you know now, because I love.

But. Yes; Bitcoin is no longer the next big thing. It's the thing almost everyone of us screwed up. How many of you made investment decisions you regret or passed on ones that could have changed your life. To this question, I have both hands and feet raised. I'm sticking my tongue out for good measure for the various membership debacle(s).

Yeah; reminding people of all the ways they screwed up = not a winning strategy. Small wonder the Columbus Prince of BTC got sent packing by the Buckeye faithful. Don't worry: I'm sure another opportunity like digital gold will come along in my lifetime. And I'm sure I'll equally screw up that one, too. Hence; and now you can clearly see, the vociferous booing campaign. You live. You learn. You try. And, then, oh well. #BTC #commencement #OSU #regretnot #nextplay

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