Everything You Need To Know About The Housing Choice Voucher Program

HUD Housing: Everything You Need To Know Made Easy

(TheDailyCurrents.com) – As the inflation rate soars, housing prices all over the country are also increasing. Many low-income families can’t afford rent, especially now that the cost of gas and other essential items is also high. The best chance for these families to find safe and sanitary housing is to apply for the Housing Choice Voucher Program. Read on to find out how the program works, its qualification guidelines, and the application process.

How Does the Section 8 Housing Voucher Program Work?

The housing choice voucher is a government-sponsored program aimed at helping low-income families, the disabled, and the elderly access safe and sanitary housing in the market. The funds are disbursed by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to local Public Housing Agencies (PHA), which then allocate them to eligible participants in their jurisdiction.

Once a participant receives a Housing Choice Voucher, they’re free to choose a house that suits their needs, whether apartments or single-family homes and not necessarily subsidized housing options. This is on condition that the house meets the program’s safe and sanitary requirements and that the owner accepts the rental program.

If a participant’s housing options meet the program’s requirements, a housing subsidy will be paid to the landlord directly by the PHA on behalf of the participant when rent is due. If the amount allocated by the government is more than the rent required, the extra money pays for household utility needs.

Similarly, if the household rent is higher than the voucher amount allocated, the participant must make up the difference from their income. Participants may also be allowed to use their vouchers to purchase a home in certain instances.

Note: The PHA determines the maximum amount of housing assistance by subtracting the gross rent for the unit minus 30% of the adjusted monthly income.

Who Qualifies for Housing Choice Voucher Assistance?

Local PHAs set specific rules regarding who qualifies for the Housing Choice Voucher program. Usually, participants who apply through the neighborhood local PHAs must have less than 30%–50% of the average income in the area they want to live in. Apart from that, PHAs may also require that applicants:

  • Be in need of sanitary, safe housing
  • Have legal immigration status
  • Have a clean criminal history (optional)

Also, if a participant’s housing needs change over time due to an increase in family size or job relocation, they can move without losing their housing assistance, provided they notify the local PHA before moving.

This way, the PHA can terminate their current lease provisions and find them alternative housing anywhere in the country. If a participant fails to inform their local PHA prior to the move, they will have to wait for 12 months before they can apply for assistance through their current-area PHA.

How to Apply for the Housing Choice Voucher

If you’d like to apply for Housing Choice Voucher, contact your local Public Housing Agency. You can also contact the nearest HUD office for any further assistance. Keep in mind that the demand for the housing assistance program is often higher than the resources available to all applicants. As such, a PHA may close its waiting list, meaning you’ll have to wait until all the families on the current waiting list get assistance.

In many cases, PHAs give preference to

  • Homeless families or those in substandard housing
  • Applicants paying more than 50% of their income on rent
  • Participant’s who are involuntarily displaced

The Code of Federal Regulations governs all processes undertaken in this program. Remember to be patient with the process and stay updated through online communities on any openings on the waitlist. Call 1-800-955-2232, from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Eastern Standard Time (EST) daily, Monday through Friday, for more information.

Copyright 2022, TheDailyCurrents.com

Category: Current Resources

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