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Here you will find the trusted resource for up-to-date information, tips, and guidance on securing the best in housing assistance programs.
There are many reasons why you might want to renovate your home.
However, most home renovations require a substantial amount of money. Therefore, if you're hard-pressed for cash, you might keep postponing home repairs hoping to save the money you need to handle the re...
The Right Time for Home Improvements
No one needs reminding that 2020 was a year full of shut-downs, lock-downs and more business closures than anyone can count. Even for people who kept their jobs as an essential worker, the rest of the economy was closed down and pretty...
FHA Mortgage Insurance Premium (MIP) Refund Guide
FHA loans are incredibly popular with home buyers because they provide you with a low interest rate, low down payment requirement financing option. However, if you choose to apply for a loan with more than 80 percent loan-to-v...
Looking to Remodel Your Home? Here are the Hottest Design Trends of 2022
It is no surprise to learn that the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has greatly influenced some of the hottest design trends of the last 18 months. You can look to the pandemic to continue to influen...
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