$16 Billion Neighborhood Homes Investment Act Aims to Boost Affordable Homeownership

William Asher
Published Jan 13, 2025

The Neighborhood Homes Investment Act (NHIA) is a new law proposal designed to make buying a home more affordable. If passed, it will provide $16 billion to build or fix up about 400,000 homes. 

Additionally, there will be $10 billion available to help people with their down payments, and $100 million allocated to a special program aimed at helping first-time homebuyers who are the first in their families to own a home or who might not have a lot of money.

Why is this Act important?

Buying a home has become very difficult for many people due to high interest rates and expensive home prices. 

There are also not enough homes available for sale, which makes the problem worse. The NHIA aims to increase the number of homes on the market, making it easier and more affordable for people to buy them.

Has the NHIA been passed yet?

As of January 2025, the NHIA has not been approved. It still needs to go through Congress and be signed by the President. Some think it might pass soon, but it could also face delays or not pass at all.

What else is happening that could help homebuyers?

There are other bills being considered that could also make it easier for people to buy homes. 

One is the First-Time Home Buyer Tax Credit, which offers up to $15,000 for first-time buyers that they don’t have to pay back if they stay in their home for at least four years.

Another is the Downpayment Toward Equity Act, which could give $25,000 to first-time home buyers to help with their purchase.

What should potential homebuyers do now?

While waiting for the NHIA and other laws to be decided, there are still many government programs available at the state level to help people buy their first homes. 

These include loans with friendly terms like lower down payments and assistance programs to help come up with the down payment. It's a good idea to check what's available in your state and see if you might qualify.


The housing market would benefit significantly from the approval of the Neighborhood Homes Investment Act as it would add more homes to the market and provide financial assistance to homebuyers. 

Meanwhile, potential homebuyers should look into existing programs that might help them and consider speaking to a local lender to understand their options better. 

If the NHIA becomes law, it could open up even more opportunities for homeownership.


Previous Article: Is a New $15,000 Tax Credit for First-Time Home Buyers on the Way in 2025?

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